Is online giving secure? Is my information kept private?Yes. All of the information that you enter into the online contribution form is secured by our website provider (Planning Center) and our payment processing server (Stripe). None of these organizations will share any of your personal information with any third party.
Does it cost anything for me to give online?There are no additional fees or costs for you to give online. The amount you select will be charged to your debit card or transferred from your bank account, and this will be the amount of your contribution. Grove Level will be charged a 2.1% fee for each card transaction. This fee will NOT be passed along to you nor deducted from your contribution amount. However, you can increase your gift to cover that fee if you choose. The fees are lowest for GLBC when you use the Bank Account Transfer option.
Can I designate where I want my online contributions to go?Currently there are four funds to which online contributors may contribute:
- General Fund (for tithes and offerings)
- Rise Up to the Vision Fund (for offerings)
- Missions Fund (for offerings)
- Queens for the King Missions (for offerings)
It is the intent of GLBC to use the designated funds for the purpose to which they were given. However, excess or unused funds may be applied to other projects with a similar purpose. Contributions may not be used to pass money to any named individual for personal use per the Internal Revenue Service.
Are my donations tax-deductible?Grove Level Baptist Church is a 501(c)3 organization. As such, all of your donations are fully tax-deductible.