Or dial 706-259-2824.  At the tone, please leave your prayer request.

What is it?  How can I become involved?

Used by hundreds of churches in our nation to involve thousands of Christians in a joint effort to pray for revival and spiritual awakening. The challenge is extended to church members from all walks of life to unite in intercessory prayer. You will be asked to give one hour a week to pray for revival and spiritual renewal in our church, our state, our nation and the world. The Watchman Prayer Ministry is designed so anyone – homemakers, business persons, senior adults, homebound and students can participate. The plan is so flexible anyone and everyone in our church can participate in seeking genuine revival. Our pastor has requested that each member prayerfully consider a personal commitment to this exciting and inspirational journey as we explore the power available through the ministry of intercessory prayer.

The Duties of the Watchman

Watchmen took their places on the walls to “remind the Lord” (Isaiah 62:6). The implication is that they were to give neither themselves nor the Lord any rest until He established His presence and power in their midst. Their foremost prayer was “make us a city of praise on the earth.” Additionally, the watchmen had two specific responsibilities:
  • Watchmen reminded God of His people. Some might say that God does not need to be reminded of His people. However, children often tell their parents what the parents already know and both the children and the parents are blessed by the communication and dependence shown.
  • Watchmen reminded God’s people of His promises. The presence of the watchmen stationed around the walls constantly reminded all the city that they belonged to God. By shouting Scripture and repairing the broken places, they daily confronted the people with the promise of God’s protection and love.

The Diligence of the Watchman

The Bible indicates that the watchmen were present “All day and all night” (Isaiah 62:6). There was never a time when the walls were not secure and the people silent. The watchmen made continuous intercession on behalf of all the people. The watchmen were also committed to the personal preparation of their own lives while standing watch, they corporately prayed for revival and the establishment of Jerusalem. The fact that their voices were constantly heard assured the people of the city that they had “set a watch” to mark the time and to show that they were constantly attentive to their duties. Constant intercession in our midst will encourage those who are going through a difficult time because they know the watchmen are being faithful to make prayerful petitions on behalf of the people.
For more information please call our church office at 706-259-8519 or email to

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